Practice Neighboring.
Read The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon and identify one “next step” for you and your family.
Work toward completing your neighbor tic-tac-toe, as outlined in The Art of Neighboring. Pray for opportunities to invest in the lives of your neighbors.

Download the Bless Every Home app and use it as a resource to pray intentionally for your neighbors.
Offer Hospitality.
Invite a neighborhood family to dinner at your house.
Invite another church family or attendee to dinner at your house, perhaps a family or person you recently met.
Read The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield.
Intentionally Invest in Your Primary Relationships.
1. Roommates/Close Friends
Attend Worship or a group together. Discuss what stood out to you and how God is challenging you to respond.
Eat meals together regularly and intentionally engage with one another.
Serve one another and serve together in the church or community.
2. Spouse
Develop a connection rhythm with your spouse:
Daily: Talk daily for 15+ minutes, sharing the highs and lows of your day.
Weekly: Go for a weekly date, spending 1-2 hours together.
Monthly: Take a half-day or day to hike, bike, or do something recreational together.
Annually: Take an annual trip together, just as a couple, for a romantic getaway.
Spend time with another Christian couple whom you look up to and whose marriage you want to emulate.
Attend marriage counseling. Contact the Crossroads Counseling Center to learn more and make an appointment.
Complete a marriage enrichment resource or attend a marriage retreat.
- Focus on the Family marriage enrichment resources
- Weekend to Remember Marriage Retreat
3. Children
Commit to raising your children in the way of the Lord and declare this publicly during a Dedication Sunday. Contact Alexa Rohlman for details about the next opportunity.
Participate in the Salvation & Baptism Class with your child as he/she expresses interest. Learn more about the next opportunity.
Choose a spiritual practice or rhythm to begin engaging in as a family (I.e. Bible reading, prayer, Sabbath).
Attend an annual parenting seminar at Crossroads.
Read the following recommended resources.
- The Disciple-Making Parent by Chap Bettis
- Sticky Faith by Kara Powell and Chap Clark
- Raising a Modern-Day Knight by Robert Lewis
- Parenting by Paul David Tripp