Crossroads Kids Ministry Framework
We realize that every day, week, month, and year matters in the life of your kids. That’s why we have developed a list of events and opportunities that we offer for your family to help you make the most of each moment; we call this the Crossroads Kids Framework.
Child Dedication - Child Dedication is a covenant made by parents to raise their child to be a follower of Christ, while the church commits to coming alongside the parents. Parents are required to attend and complete the Parent Commitment Class prior to dedication weekend.
Kids Church - Kids Church is exactly that … church for kids! Kids Church is the programming that we offer each Sunday morning, including small group time, worship, teaching, and fun.
Crossroads Kids Baptism Course - The Baptism Course is a 2-week class designed to help parents and kids talk through faith, baptism, communion, and their next steps. The class is a requirement for kids who wish to be baptized (Grade 5 and under, as recommended by the Crossroads Elders).
Family Experience - We want your family to EXPERIENCE all that God has to, Jesus, each other, and so much more! This is a high-energy and fun-filled night designed to create a memorable shared experience for your family.
Praise Kids & King’s Kids - We believe that every heart was created to worship its Maker. Praise Kids (Preschool Choir) and King’s Kids (Elementary Choir) invite even our youngest hearts to grow in their understanding and expression of worship.
Camp Alive - Camp Alive is a week-long event that combines the best elements of a traditional VBS and the idea that God has created each of us with unique gifts and talents to share with others.
Kids Camp - Kids Camp is a week packed with fun, friends, and tons of opportunities for kids in grades 4 & 5 to grow spiritually.
If you have questions, please contact Aislin Carter at 812-518-1478.