Start Here


Whether you’re new to Crossroads or new to church in general, we’re glad you’re here. We believe everyone matters to God and all are welcome, regardless of what you’ve done or where you’ve been. This is a place to get help, healing, and hope, while learning about God and the person he’s created you to be.

We earnestly seek to Live and Love like Jesus! As we follow His example of Being with God, Being with Others and Being Sent, we are formed into people that more closely resemble and reflect Him in everything we do. We’re a biblically-centered, non-denominational church, with a huge heart for helping others.

We invite you to check out a worship service at our Newburgh campus or worship online with us.  You can also view our last service in its entirety, or check out past sermons.

Services typically last 70 minutes and are identical across all service times. Pick a time that works for you.

Feel free to come as you are. You don’t have to dress up or pretend to be something you’re not to come to church. Some people come dressed in business casual… others more casual. This is a judgment-free zone.

There’s a place for your kids here. Whether it’s in the Nursery, Crossroads Kids Church, or Middle School, we have an experience designed for them. Arrive about 20 minutes before the service starts your first time, so we can help everyone get checked in smoothly.

You’ll have a chance to grow, belong, and make a difference. Attend a Starting Point Conversation to learn more and find the best places to plug in.

Our Current Sermon Series


The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus stand at the center of Christianity.  

The Gospels record seven statements Jesus made from the cross. Each statement reflects His humanity and His true deity and provides an example we can follow as we seek to love God and love others.  

In incredible agony, Jesus displayed deep resolve to be full of grace and truth.  The resilience he demonstrated from death to resurrection brings hope when we face the darkest of times.  

Jesus, as fully human, can relate to our circumstances, struggles, challenges, and pain.  At the same time, because he is also fully God, he can offer us strength, help, grace, peace, and hope.  

In Jesus’ worst time, we see His character at its fullest; through His words, we can learn to live and love like Him.