<p>Abide<br />
Nurture an enduring intamacy with God, foster a sincere love for others and engage in God's mission</p>
Nurture an enduring intamacy with God, foster a sincere love for others and engage in God's mission


Nurturing an enduring intimacy with God, fostering a sincere love for others, and engaging in God’s mission.

Weekly Resources/Studies

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In 2023, we are encouraging everyone to ABIDE as they Live and Love like Jesus.

John 15:1-17 reveals the heart of Jesus for His followers to “remain” connected to the vine, to bear fruit, and to love one another.

  • Jesus’ words must remain in us (Be with God)
  • We must love others as Jesus taught/commanded us (Be with Others)
  • We must bear fruit by serving where He sends us (Be Sent)


Pray, and ask yourself (and a close personal friend) the following questions:

  • How am I abiding in God’s Word and prayer?
  • How is my abiding influencing my relationships with others?
    • How are my relationships with others influencing my abiding. either positively or negatively?
  • How is my abiding impacting my being sent—my obedience in living and loving like Jesus?

Each of our Executive Team members is leading a cohort to guide us as we move forward in three ways that we ABIDE by Living and Loving like Jesus.

BEING WITH GOD ~ Being with God before doing for God.

Often, we measure our effectiveness as followers of Jesus (disciples) by how much we are doing for God. However, our effectiveness does not start with doing for God, but by being with Him. This example was set by Jesus and has been followed by his disciples ever since. 

Some of the pathways that help us grow in Being with God include:

  • Read and Study the Bible
  • Learn what God is Like
  • Develop Spiritual Practices
  • Learn the Spirit's voice

For more information on our strategy for growth in this area throughout 2023, watch the following message from Ryan King, our Executive Director of Operations and the leader of our Being with God cohort:  


BEING WITH OTHERS ~ Transformation Happens Best In Community. 

We are designed for community—for living life in deep relationship with others.  Within this context, as we courageously embrace openness and vulnerability, we are transformed to be more like Jesus.  We come together to find love, support, and encouragement so that we may go out and fulfill God’s mission.  This is the example set by Jesus and His followers.  Some of the paths to growing in Being with Others are:

  • Gather with Others
  • Find support, Invite Accountability, and Grow Together
  • Multiply Your Influence

For more information on what this looks like for us in 2023, watch the following message from Aislin Carter, our Executive Director of Formation and the leader of our Being with Others cohort:


BEING SENT~ We Love And Serve Wherever God Places Us.

God began sending people in the beginning. God’s command to the first man and woman was, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.” God sent the first humans. God’s pattern of sending continues throughout the Bible. It culminates in sending His Son to reconcile all things to Himself and sending His Spirit upon His Church to pursue his mission. God is sending His church now as His empowered and gifted people to live lives devoted to loving Him and loving others, especially the hopeless and marginalized.  There are several pathways to growth in Being Sent, and they include:

  • Understand Sentness
  • Discover Gifts and Calling
  • Faithfully Engage the World
  • Pursue Justice and Live Compassionately

For more information on our strategy to aide us in abiding through Being Sent in 2023, watch the following message from Mark Whited, our Executive Director of Mobilization and the leader of our Being Sent cohort:


Live and Love Like Jesus
Click here.


We believe that in order to Live and Love like Jesus, we must follow the example He set while on this Earth.  So... we have developed a tool to help each of us do exactly that!  That tool is called THE ROADMAP.  It points us to content like articles, books, videos, podcasts and sermons that help us grow in Being with God, Being with Others and Being SentClick here to access THE ROADMAP, and join us on the journey of Living and Loving like Jesus today!