
Wednesdays, beginning September 4, at 6:00-7:30 AM or 7:30-9:00 PM in the Student Loft
Cost is $10

This upcoming Fall, Crossroads Men’s Ministry will take next steps on our BetterMan journey. Over the past year, 275 men from Crossroads and our community have experienced BetterMan Core, the original 12-week teaching or BetterMan Defined in the Winter of 2024 where we took a deeper dive into the first two principles: God's Word and God's Woman.

In Core, we learned about the four principles of Biblical manhood. In BetterMan Defined Fall 2024, we’ll take a deeper dive into the final two principles: God’s Work and God’s World, spending five weeks on each. We’ll hear great teaching based on fresh material written by Robert Lewis, and presented by our own Paul Linge, Angelo Frieri, and others.

Any man can participate in BetterMan Defined, whether you have been through Core, Defined, or nothing at all.  We’re planning to offer Core again in January of 2025.

BetterMan takes place around tables, where you will connect with the same guys and build strong relationships over the course of the 11 weeks. We will start on Wednesday September 4 at 6:00-7:30 AM or 7:30-9:00 PM and meet each Wednesday through November 13.  

REGISTER for Wednesday Mornings

REGISTER for Wednesday Evenings