Easter at Crossroads
9:00 & 11:00 AM
Let's celebrate Jesus' resurrection together!
During the 33 years that Jesus lived on Earth, He lived and loved in ways that displayed the power and true character of God. He provided a powerful example for us to follow, as he truly walked what he taught!
Then, in His final days, Jesus displayed His most powerful expressions of living and loving. You might even say...
Jesus raised from the dead!
Now, we have the opportunity to do the same! When we place our faith in Him, He becomes our Lord and He changes us. As we follow Him, we begin to SERVE like Him, SHOW MERCY like Him, DEPEND FULLY ON GOD like Him, DISPLAY COURAGE like Him, and DIE TO SELF like Him. In the end, we will even COME BACK TO LIFE like Him!
Bring your entire family to Crossroads this Easter to experience the hope and life that only Jesus gives!
April 18, 6:00 AM-7:00 PM, Worship Center
As we prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday, please join us on a self-guided journey through the crucifixion of Jesus and his death on a cross at Calvary.
The Crossroads Worship Center will be open on Good Friday, April 18, from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Let's prepare our hearts by spending some time with God.