Are you receiving and believing Jesus for who He is?
“My two year old son is an early riser. Most mornings before it’s even light out, I hear him wake up on the baby monitor and I stumble into his room. Without fail, he meets me halfway between his crib and the door, arms outstretched, ready for me to scoop him up. Even though he can’t see me in the darkness, he fully trusts that I am there to meet him.
I wish I could be more like my son in my relationship with Christ. I don’t struggle with belief. I feel confident about who Jesus is, but I struggle to receive him, to accept everything he has to offer me. Whether it is shame, fear, or self-reliance, I’m sometimes reluctant to fully trust Jesus with the things that overwhelm me.
As I stumble through the darkness that life can hold – the confusion, stress, day-to-day struggles - I’m pushing forward to receive the light that only Christ can offer. I have to “become like a little child” that Matthew 18:3 talks about - arms outstretched, moving forward, ready to fall into the arms of a Father who loves me.”
Andy, Communications Team